Channel: Jahan Asif
Category: Entertainment
Tags: rojajahan asifmuslimsehricomedy natokfastingashiqur rahmanbengali youtuberromjanfunny videoramadandhupchayabengaliiftar in dhakafunny short filmfunnyshampa popyorchita sporshiafunny natokramadan in bangladeshbanglashaitanramadan rulesramjanramadan celebrationbangladeshi youtubersehri partybangladeshbangla funny video 2019
Description: Have you ever imagined if Ramadan could talk like human? Thats what happens in this video with Jahan Asif! The Ramadan starts talking and saves him from all the wrong doing. This video is just for entertainment purpose. The characters are work of fiction! In no way does this content insult any stream, field, people from any background! Wishing everyone "Happy Ramadan"! May Allah bless everyone of us with patience and success! Dont forget to comment about it on down below and share it with friends! Music provided by Free Vibes: Dream Away by Day 7: Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0) #ramadan #ramadancelebration #iftarindhaka #iftaraprty #jahanasif